they had a mini gallery of well known people's diary~ so cool ah!
what joo won wants to buy :P dr.dre~
cant deny. its really good !
then after walking around, had dinner :)
while waiting~
really nice place !!
joo won had chicken rice !!
digging in!
i had somekind of japanese ramen noodle~
was good anyhow :)
coming out from the restaurant~
christmas decos~

pretty xmas lights :D

christmas tree !!:)
look really fugly in this pic :S

and there was this cheese event going on~ haha.mooooo
red cow cow ! i used to eat that cheese everyday :D
gemuk -.-
the top floor of the mall~

joo won has gone wayyyyyy taller~
near the cinema~ joo won playing with the 3d

too into the game.hahaha
and another gadget !! called galexy tab !! korea's new invention :D awesome lahh !
its like i-pad but much better :)
joo won playing game.haha
while waiting for the movie, had a ice cream at cold stones~

then we went to our cinema room when it was time. but this was our first time going to a STATRIUM room !! *.*
hand prints near the place !!
forced joo won to take this pic :D hahahahahaha. we watched this movie called "skyline" and mann it was nice :D a good movie but.... the ending abit...i dont know... like so odvious theres gonna be another movie coming out but was nice anyways :)
my hand :D
jang dong gun's hand !! *.* 장동건 !!
seriously the starium screen was huge !!! my neck pain hahahahaha!! it was the world's largest screen !! *.* unbelievable :D
after the movie went back home then :)
near our subway station, saw this interesting menu~ a sandwitch??
so joo won ate 떡볶이 spicy rice cake and i ate potato 감자~ the potato for me wasnt nice :S cause too many onions !! ><

well thats how our outing ended for the day ~~ *