on october 24th, our church had a highschoolers outing. i actually took alot alot alot of pics. but i only selected some to upload :)

the guys on the left is one of our worship leader. he reminds me of abel at CHC :D

church so called "cell leaders" :)

next to a famous place called korean river. the facilities there are awesome. they changed the whole place.

on the right thats mua ;P

incase you guys dont know what's the weather there, its kinda cold.hahahaha, you guys must be wondering why im wearing a padding vest and a short pants.haha. i just wore what was comfortable ;p

we ate together, and played alot of telematches together ~

this is a famous korean traditional game. called "chicken fight" where you have to hold one leg tight and hop around on one foot and knock people down. haha.

richard.my cell member. his korean but he went overseas to england and came back.

joo won playing "eagle and chickens??" hahahaha.yeah something like that ;p i forgot the name ;;

and me.

while playing another game, joo won got the chance to hit his friend's forehead ;p

what goes around comes around.hahahahahaha !

me throwing biscuit to guys mouth hahaha !

remember the chicken fight i said just now? joo won vs me hahahahahaha.guess who won ;p i won !! (na young) :D