on October 11th, told dad "lets to go the mountain" cause we have been seeing on news the mountain has changed colour ! so here was our day ;) it has been a while since youve seen our pictures in a post ^^;;

walking on the way~

tress at the side of the road while going had chaged colour to yellow too!

joo won

tiga suku !!

self cam abit hahahaha

and our first stop ;) we found crawfish where there was a little water left !!

meet mr.crawfish ;D

what's this picture doing here hahahahahaha

just that summer, we came to this very same spot and it was like a stream but ..since it was becomming winter..the water disapeared.

joo won was so fasanated !

dad found all of em.joo won just played with them hahaha

they were inside the water like this/

joo won's finger playing with them haha

this happened to me too;; i screamed when it caught me .haha

dad explaining about them.

daddy vs joo won.

now this crawfish was fierce hahahaha

now my turn !

close up man.

joo won having fun with them.

we taught they were hungry so we took out some sausage we had in the bag and gave em.haha.you can see something in their mouth.hahahaha

na young

like father like son.

we caught like 7 of them.but let them go and continued to walk :)

there used to be water in there we could drink.but it dried up.cause during winters water frozes up and it doesnt rain much.

guess where now.haha exercising aread.

swing swing swing my baybeh

hold on tighe spider monkey

trust me.aint easy to get up there hahaha

like i said.hahahaha it was hard hahaha

thats as far as he can pull.haha

yeah.we're at the *mid-point* top now.hahahahahaha


this aint the real top.that is.hahahahaha.you can see alot of people there.

not sure if we could every go to that REAL top. but honestly, coming up to this mid point was tiring enough.hahahaha

now time to head down.

like seriously, i feel this everything i come up to the mountain. no picture can capture the beauty of the view and the atmosphere. like seriously if only it could have been a video cam or so...

currently in this photo, we are crossing the "no-corss-zone" area.teehee

yeah the no corss zone.was really scary.but to explore, you have gotta take risks ;)

enjoying some snacks. ;)

yeah yeah..

joo won high????

i heard of this saying "no human can live waling only on cement" i like that ;) you have gotta give some green to your life :)

in real, he didnt last long...like 1 turn.haha

our risk taker ;)

while waling back home, saw a small field of clovers !

the sotry goes like this. dad found this cover field and joo won all of a sudden while dad was explaining about the history of clovers on why is it called lucky ....joo won screamed and reached to get a 4 leaved CLOVER !! it was like all of a sudden.he didnt search for it too ! the moment he layed his eyes on the clovers he found it !

than later dad found one too !! it was unfair cause i couldnt find one :( (na young)

look at him smiling.aha

clovers. can you find any ? ;)

all i could see was 3 leaved ones --'

gave up taking pics and sat down and started looking :( goodness ....;

tehn suddenly !! i screamed !! 찾았다 !!i found one :D so each of us had a clover. aint it awesome? ;D
hee hee ;)

can you be another lucky one? :)

if im not mistaken, that banner says on november 8th, 7100 members.meaning their aiming for that many people? i wondered to myself anf just took a pic :)
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