The very next day on 28th of January, dad brought us again for mountain climbing. Dad and Joo Won looking at the map.

Then we stopped at this small park and had a little snack :)

Korean sushi and warm korean tea :)

The picnic table :)

After makan, SNAP :)

Then ofcourse our usual spot. The water place !! the water froze and Joo Won went for ice skating :D

And ofcourse, .... J WON... "
he slides, he glides and he..... FALLS." :D

haha, moving on, look we f0und a wild boar's foot prints on the snow :)

Nice to see aunties and uncles holdind hands and stil so close :)

Our rock on top for the day :)

And I dont know what had gone into Joo Won. He kept on falling down.haha ;p
Look, this is a poem writen by a famous poet and his sir name starts with SEO so.he is considered our family ;) a member of our SEO family :)

And another shot to show you how much Joo Won grew and i shrank.haha !

Thats all and PS: this is the entrance of Seoul University. One of the best universities in young's dream. haa :D

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