The previous one was too long so will continue here :) Okay ! after all the kangaroos..we went in the insectarium :) here are some pictures...

Some weird creature.. haha.

Fighting beatle !

nd some more bugs.haha..

Okay this might be disgusting...what that green stick insect is doing is.. sticking its sharp mouth into the small taphole.. and sucking everything out.. YUCKS!

Joo Won and i saw one of the taphole gona flat.... eeeeeeeee

These are choclate dipped insects.. ha...

Scorpian candy -England.

Worm snack.

Scorpain vodka...!

Thai green curry crickets..

Choclate covered giant ants..

Spider :)

Okay..out of the inscetarium.. check out the skulls...gorilla..


Elephant !

Tiger skin :(

Us having some snack. Na Young eating bead ice cream. Joo Won eating sausage while going to the bird park..

The bird park :)

Ducky fishing :D

Birds :)

pretty white bird !

Na Young with s small parrot :)

And now, chickens :D

And this is one of korean famous bird ~ pretty. i dont understand why all male birds are more beautiful than the female..haha.

and now, sea animals !! :) some sealions :)

We were so pleased to suddenly see a banna tree :D we miss it.. this banna tree was tall mann..

wolf :)

Na Young favorite animal ~! leapard =)

Another one of our snack :) i taught their idea was kinda creative. below is the drink coke and the top is some fried fish balls.. mmm... so you dont have to carry alot :) smart eii? this picture of me feeding the camel :D
We decided to eat 부대찌개 ! in direct translation it means "military stew". haha the reason why is because last time in the military, souldiers would just boil kim-chi, some left overs of tou foo, ham, noodles,vegetables and sausages.. so that turned out to be popular :) and awesomely nice too ! This is before boiling ~

And us wearing blue apron so that the soup wont get on our shirts :) korean service ~

Ahh ! almost ready to eat :D

Daddy in his blue apron too :)

Dig in !!

*few minutes later* hahahahahahaha !!

And yesss.... that was our busy day :D PEACE OUT<3
look nice...
답글삭제keep on posting sis!