I (na young) had a school trip to a place called 월미도 'wol mi do'. like a sea side but not really a beach. It was on May 15 2009. yeahh~ long time ago haha *by the way these pictures were taken with my old camera ..so the quality of the pictures are blur ..

picture of boys while in the subway ~

ofcourse it took some time to get there because we had to go to the end of korea. but honestly i think korea is really small.... it didnt take that long to go there :S

boys playing a game. to stand still and not to move a single foot when the subway is moving.haha..the funnier thing was the punishment haha !

they had to do ducking outside the subway everytime the door opens hahaha :D

and the gals :)

she loves the camera ;p

our class monitor with the pose that all korean girls do*covering face pose....

we are here ~

gather everyone !!

this was what i meantioned~ the sea side :p

made some hyper friends... hahahaha. i clicked with them pretty well :D hahaa

eun jung playing nintendo ds.


this was the best picture of the day.. hahahahaha !!

this is a picture of me with the person who runs the fun ride.

yeah, time for lunch :) beside the 'sea'

time for group photo :)

i'll just write all the names :) *muhahaa in korean! teehee...-the ones standing- 서승현,고지성,김종범,이성혁,손지수,박정호,김건,박재성,명준영,김도현,오수완- the ones squading- 이덕현,용남길,고대환,황도원,김재원,김승원,한금목,정준영,김영후.

and yeahh man :D this is the lunch that i prepared ! i made all these :) so share ofcourse, the boys ate most of it..haha. the first one is sweet pancakes, the second one is ham sandwiches, the last one is some kind of rice ball you can find in japanese restaurants :) all made by mua. well, joo won helped alot too ! hahaha..

my friend brought something to mix in her rice to eat ^-^

this picture has a long story to it :D haha. a boy called 'Go Dae Hwan' said he is gonna get that doll, the one wearing the spider man suit.. but he only spent all the money and couldnt get the doll. gahh !! hahahaha

well, i didnt get to take alot of pitures... but seriously was a fun day :) pictures cant explain this time.. haha. and while going back home :)

everybody all tired out..

girls too . heee..

sitting on the floor -.-'

we're done for the day :)