On november 12th. it was my grandfather's birthday remember? ha, after the dinner, i had to meet up with my friends. so i (na young) went off after the dinner. this is a house of college student i know. first went there and had some chit chat. his in first grade ;) like small brother. 윤홍준 Yun Hong Jun(?)and here is another college friend. 박범준 Park Bom Jun (?) soo yeon.and another college friend. 정영현 Jung Yung Hyeon (?) his just making silly faces.haha.his the closest to me.sung ha.after that went to karaoke !! haha. was really fun ;)the person in red shirt is the one whol lived in the house. and he paid for the karaoke :D his a college student too.little brother dancing .hahahahaha.cute :)dancing to the wonder girl's -tell me. 어머나 !! we were so crazy in the karaoke, lost our mind while dancing.hahahahahah .fun :)
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