My 2 floored bed. Im the bottom-ed one. the light blue bed sheet with poka dots :D
2010년 5월 27일 목요일
Dorm Life !
Na Young's dormatory people ! On May 9th, Na Young moved into her new dorm. newly build just for our students. since i came in the dorm can see Joo Won so often :( if its long , i cant see him for 2 weeks. :'(( but being with friends is also good....
My 2 floored bed. Im the bottom-ed one. the light blue bed sheet with poka dots :D
outside our room.the hall way ~
my closet. still not much yet cause it was still the first day. now got even more clothes :P
and my table. ofcoue there are more books now on the table and small mini white and black boards~
my best friend tired out after moving in ~ haha
still a little empty :) but now its full ~
our window is like a mirror, at night it becomes a mirror and when its bright, its just like a normal window~
This was at 8:42pm.
You can see at the back.its just normal mirror in the morning * taken before going to school in the morning at 6:52am.
living in a dorm......its just like being in an army.........
My 2 floored bed. Im the bottom-ed one. the light blue bed sheet with poka dots :D
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the hall way looks like in