overall, for my this time holiday, didnt do to alot of place or did alot of stuff but guess i got some time to rest :) havent posted for so long :P sorry guys :P ;;
2010년 8월 21일 토요일
school holiday.
From August 13th till August 20th ! i had my school holiday :) ofcourse joo won had it too. had to clean up all our dorm rooms before we left. how my bed looked like :S
friends all packing ready to get out.haha
cleaned up my whole table :S my luggage.....
had to take out all the bed covers before leaving :S
okay. joo won was outside waiting for me to come out. after i got out, stright away went to bus statioin and went down to dad's place.
it was raining non-stop;; isssit monsoon? we also saw an accident that happened at the side of the road on the way.

rain rain...
was so bored on the bus :S
think cause of the rain, the sky happened to be so clear !! couldnt take my hands off my camera :P

okay. reached ! dad fetched us and dad planned to go for buffet with us. since this place isnt a city. buffet is not so professional as the city. look how the buffet looked like !! *.* there were no one at all ! the only table were us;; and the food stinked -.-
you can see... joo won on the left and dad on the right .hahahaha
we all changed our phone :) joo won and i new choclate phone and dad amoled phone.
my face looks really yucky -.- anyways. desert !
how the buffet looks like from the outside.
that night went back to dad's place and changed clothes. then dad brought us out for a walk.

me working on the working machines.

kayy. the next morning, went for a normal breakfast :)
on that afternoon went to this movie shooting place.

a set where they made to shoot movies of the past.
and a train that korean people had last time.
dad showing us how he rode train last time when he was young.

what you looking at haa:P
snap snaps.
haha. i asked them to pose like that :P

this ice cream is really funny.haha its like a balloon filled with icecream. you cant let go of it or else it will overflow;; no time to let it off your mouth :S
this place is a train station where they have old trains taking people for rides.

곡성역!gok sung station !
okay this place is a place where you can cycle mini trains. but when we went there, just at OUR TURN !! they said they were stold out.... :(((
just at our turn, those mini trains were all taken :(
so had no choice. we went back~
on the way home, there was a peach festival going on. so we decided to go and take a look on the way.
it was just a festival where they sold peaches from everywhere.
huge opening; hahaha
i cant remember what i didn then .hahahaha. guess this is the next day, when we went to aunt's house.
took pictures on the way
to take this picture, while dad was driving, held my camera out of the window and took the photo.hahahaha . dangerous ahh ~
lol. wind blowing my hair :D
love this feeling :)))
on the way went and dropped by a grocery store and bought some food to bring over.
the sky after the rain. always so clear and beautiful !
dad bought some sushi and we ate in the car~

handsome ~
pictures of skies make me feel so happy :)
strapped my camera on my hand and took this picture ~ so fun !!

when we reached aunt's place straight away ran to the pup !! remember my pup?? they said they sold it :( i cried when i heard the news ....:'(
eating corn that aunt made for us :)
dad playing with the cats.

aunt sold my pup:( the pup im holding is joo won's.

joo won playing with his pup~

handsome la the dog :D

then later at the afternoon went to the water side to catch small fishes.
dad trying to catch some fish.
lol.aunty pose.

self camming;
dad walked so fast mann. you guys cant imagine how painful it was to walk around in the water !! to be stepping on rocks :S 
look at the stones mann :( painful.....sakit !!
joo won tsk tsk. hahahahaha
he keep on slipping everywhere :P a shot of him when he almost fell down.hahahahaha
woahh woahh woahh !! hahahaha
safe ;;;;;
no one can catch up with dad mann :P so fast ! hahahaha
planned to catch fish and put in that beer bottle ;; but hahahaha tak ada in the end :P

why la so weak wanna fall down. hahahahaha

while both boys were busy catching, i was busy camwhoring and keeping my cam safe from the water :P
liking this shot :D
okayy. dad got a little too excited;; he went and jumped in the pool with all his stuff in his pocket :S dad........
while joo won is struggling to get somewhere.haha
dad gone a little too hyper with the pool;; joo won didnt wanna join.lol
we stayed outside :P dad's phone got spoiled cause water went in :S
anyways...it was a really bad day. sad to say. cause there were some events only we know that happened that day :S anyways, for dinner, we went for cold noodle :) 냉면 ! nothing like a cold noodle on a summer day~
yumm :)

the next day was a monday. dad went out for work and we stayed at home. so we got bored and went out to the nearest shopping mall there. our "brunch" hehe
i had ...what do you call this in english again ? haha like ice kacang one :P
dang~ yummmmmmmmmm :D
then we went over to the cinema to watch a movie. haha. 

check this out. this is a shopping mall alright ~! it sure is a mall in the coutry side. cause there were not much stores and almost no people;; haha. me in the middle of the mall....
hello ~~~ *ecoes~*
this was the cinema mall we went to.

while waiting for the movie, went to a coffee shop and spent out time.
haha. joo won had ice blended strawberry. and i had lemonade~

this place is called "angle in us coffee"

ah yess ~ we watched the movie, toy story 3 !! sadly not in 3d :S but guess what.... i cried while watching the movie.. joo won said i was crazy but heyy ! it was so touching !! :')
the next morning again, dad went off for work and we went down to get some brunch :P
that night, dad came back from work and had dinner with us. we ate sushi... sooooooo full man :P

raw fish :Dawesome !
posting things really fast.haha the next morning again :p time for us to go back to seoul ~ last breakfast with daddy~
haha, checking himself out at the mirror :P
took a highway bus back to seoul. while on the bus. dropped by a reststop and brought icecream :)
what am i going to do about my eye bags mann :'(

when was this? right ! during the school holiday we had nothing to do, so joo won and i went out to this mall and had some food ~ and again i ate the icecream again :D
your my love mann !!this time with berries :D this place is like a korean fast food chain called LOTTERIA.
then that dinner, went to this restaurant i personally like :D folded an airplane with a tissue.hahahaha

i had cream spagetti :D
joo won had some tomato sauce omlet i think :P
overall, for my this time holiday, didnt do to alot of place or did alot of stuff but guess i got some time to rest :) havent posted for so long :P sorry guys :P ;;
overall, for my this time holiday, didnt do to alot of place or did alot of stuff but guess i got some time to rest :) havent posted for so long :P sorry guys :P ;;
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