It was on November 6th. when i had CA in my school. but my teacher was busy so she gave us free time to do anything we wanted. so...i thought...why not we go out :P so i went out with one of my CA class member :) Jin Hee !! to the city of seoul :) 시청 ! Shu-Chung. At first jin hee didnt want to go cause she doesnt like to go anywhere without planning. hhaha. but there was the problem;; i love going to places without planning;; :P so we somehow solved the prob and i won :PP she followed me in the end :P

but it was kinda dangerous to follow me cause i get lost God we reached the place we wanted safely :D

and there was this event going on! and we thought there was just some 2 guys singing but they were actual singers ! *.*

they were a group called V.O.S !! i panicked mann ! :P

this is the place we went :)

the event going on. a wedding made for disabled elderly~

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