On February 21st was my grandma's 71st birthday :) so all of our family members gathered at a korean restaurant and ate dinner together.

Our uncles ~~

Singing happy birthday song , grandma looking happy :)

grandma blowing her candles ~~

woohoo !!

Grandma and grandpa cutting the cake together ..

Grandma and grandpa looking happy :) heee.

Beloved grandma's cake. it was awesome !! yummy !

And now, presenting !!!! grandma's birthday card made by na young.haha.

I was so gald she liked it alot... *the behind*:)
You know what, things have seriously changed. when we were singing birthday song for grandma and celebrating her birthday,there they were... my cousins being at the same table as we are.....

playing nintendo DS -.- goodness.....and my youngest cousin. only 5 years old. watching tv on the cell phone.. gah !!!

take a look....

And the second oldest cousin. she is only 1 year younger than me. she is holding a DMB which is a portable tv/computer. she sold her mind to that thing -.-

Im very upset that things like this are happening not only in our family but all around. There aint alot of family time no more. sad case... goshhh.. i was like the only grandchild who actually made a card for grandma...
Us :)

after dinner, we went back to grandma's house and the guys went to play korean card game.

well, that was pretty much it for the night :) happy birthday grandma!! <3 you !!
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