Ahemm... haha this was actually on February 25th. WE lost track on blogging :p haha.so on that day was my cousin's birthday. so the night before his birthday i stayed up and made a birthday card for him..

Okay.. it was a failure. I actually intended to make a card that it was in the CS game. but, yeah.. turned out like this. it was embarrassing to give it to him.haha !

goshh...the back ..i think the back looks way better than the front. haha !

Okay enought of this ....icky stuff.haha. that night we out for a dinner together :) at a steamboat restaurant. a famous one !! *miss malaysia's steamboat ahh !!

These are the side dishes.. First. some ball with fish egg inside.

Second, some mashed potato with some vegetables inside.

Third, salad ~

And the ingredients to put in the steamboat ! muaha :D some noodles and fresh vegies !

And fuiyohh !! beef!

Oh meet the birthday boy. he is turning 17 this year.

Ahhh ! the steamboat :D delicious !
Last look at the birthday boy :)

Thats all for his birthday :)
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