The very next day, on the 29th of March.. dad and us went out like we always do on sundays :) Here are Joo Won and I posing on the roof of a house. Not bad huh? haha.

MMMM ice cream ! :D
we then dropped by "boramae" park again to see this time whether there were alot of flowers. but there were not a this pretty pretty floswer :)

Later, we sat on the grass under the warm sunlight ... just chillaxing.. haha :)

Then dad decided to bring us go to eat sushi ! muahaha. In Seoul, there is this specific market where they sell fresh fishes in a cheap price :)

Fish~ market ~

Dad bought some sushi and then we went into a restaurant. dad says, here you just buy your fish and go in the restaurant and tell them how you want it to be or you just eat it raw :) They will only charge you on what you drink and the other foods you order :)

that was our food :D and Joo Won's expression after putting too much wasabi.. haha !

bo liao... haha.

Then dad ordered 매운탕 which exactly means spicy soup :)

It is really hot... but Joo Won likes it. haha.

mmm.seafood :)

what an awesome day :)
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