On May 8th was parents day here in Korea. so Na Young ofcourse made something for her parents :) made this ! muaha ! its actually 3 carnations.

Its because the carnation flower represents appreciation..

wallah ! well, not bad for a first try ~

happy faces !! :D

and ofcourse for our grand parents too !! :) grand ma ~

The one she's holding *pink one* is hers :)

then later our whole family gathered again and had dinner together. and no surpirse that they were still stuck to their gadgets -.-'

after that, that night joo won and i went up grandma's roof and did some bboying. :D

and a gift given to our grandparents by one of our uncles.. called coco hodo. some kind of bread with kaya inside with walnut :) mmmmmmm ~

END <3
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