haha. yeah we're still young oright~On May 3th, which was our outing day again, daddy brought us to Seoul Land(서울랜드). It is a themepark !! :D So on our way ~~ waiting for the subway to arrive..

mr handsome. hair long already..need to chop it off...haha :D

and we're here :) from this fountain, if you go to the right, there is the national zoo we went last time and if you go to the left, there is the themepark :)

joo won turning left :)

kinda have to walk up a bit... snap !!

then finally ! we reached the place to buy the tickets ! :D

the entrance :)

a great sunny day for an awesome day!

and the entrance fee ofcourse...Na Young was RM75 and Joo Won was RM66. white dad got free cause of his credit card promotion thing.. :)

there was choices like.. it would be cheaper price after 4pm. and there is also tickets for "the big5" meaning you can only choose 5 rides to ride. mmhmm :)

so our tickets ready and we're in !!you guys know who that tiga suku hand is :)

the first photo when we got inside :D

joo won and dad.

That round thing represents Seoul Land. pretty ~

leaning tower of pisa in korea. haha.

arrggghhhhhhhhhhh.. lol.

and the first thing we rode my the viking !! :D

and we got in :) before it started ~by the way people, joo won was actually wanting to do tiga suku. but turned out looking like..errr.... haha..!!


*malu* our excited(?) faces?? haha

daring mann.. took photo while riding ~

It was awesome :D joo won says it definitely releases stress ! ha ! then later joo won saw other uncles doing this game..and so joo won wanted to try it too...other uncle got 93 out of 100 mann ! it looked so easy but when joo won tried...er................... 6.........1...........^_^;;;;

wanted that little devil.haha !

but he atleast got this little pink teddy bear chain.haha :D then moved on and went for other rides. shot x drop.haha !

it goes up really fast !! like super fast !! fun :D

so worth it :)

random picture of my friend's name on the floor next to joowon's foot... :)

and our lunch :) dad and joo won hot noodle, while na young with cooling noodle ..

na young's~

we loved this ride !! this thing spins while our seats spin.. a.w.e.s.o.m.e !

great pic !! you can see joo won and me there... :D na young is waving :D


and roller coasters !! :) seriously speaking, we lined up like 1 hours each for 2 different roller coaster.. banyak orang... :S
Us during the ride. we look really horrible but please faham yeahh :D haha.. tell me who looks good while riding roller coaster that turns over 3 times.. haha :D !!
Now, this ride.. in malaysia there is also one is lagoon. but we never rode it before..

here ge go ~..

ahhhh !! (>.<)""" !!

then later, a little snack :) marble ice cream ~ yumm !

and its already dark ~

for our 2nd last ride before we headed back home ..its a slow ride where you have a gun and you have to shoot the red aims. and if you get 500 points, you receive a prize.

but..hahahaha.. joo won got 270 points and na young only got 40 points.. haha *^^*

done with that, joo won's pic of the day :D

then we took the last ride.. in this little korean village.

It turns you upside down and spins you and turns you.. my goshh.. the safety pole on our lap was so painful as when they turned us upside down, all our weight was pressed..OUCH ㅠ

random..... :D

Then went for dinner :)

finally. one post done. haha till the next one :) ciao
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