dont hate me cause im uploading really old posts ..haha, cause i gotta get this up then only i can upload other posts :P think about it, i havent even got the time to upload about my birthday !! hahahaha. be patient with us exmalaysian viewers :) for now its all about sedaya moments :) ! feels like yesterday when we were all going hyper together.....ahh before we did an awesome performance of merdaka song *behind the stage ;)our school clowns ~they made school lie, should we say this..erm.. yeah! interesting :Done of the best seniors ever <3amir self caming himself ~ haha!ah shan shan ;)priceless backs huh ~;)time to let them go high :D cute !rock star you ! ^w^mr iqwan!and time to bring up the sedayan spirit :Din the class.look how huge lu's eyes are O.O my doll the ofcourse, its the boy's turn :)little jude !isnt she the cutest thing ;) little lu peaking from outside the window~love this <3goshh ! i cant forget how much i laughed when jude went in danesh's shirt and danced like a puppet :D mr shinji.gahh good times :)all the time i got is until here :)
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