NOVERMBER 11th. 11/11. doesnt it look like a special day to you? ;) in korea. its kinda a big day. that 1sssss represents 빼빼로!! PePeros.this is what PEPERO is called. long biscuit with choclate dipped on one side. so, on november 11th is a day when love ones or just friends can give each other peperos and just ......hhaa. celebrate :P

for those people who are solo dont really like this day :P cause it makes them sad that they dont have a girl/boy friend :p i received some from my teachers and some other can see that 2 long biscuits.haha. like about 40 cm long.haha.

during november, this day is really popular~ it was actually made by the company of the biscuit. but it got bigger and now it is celebrated among friends every year. check this out;; haha. pepero handphone srtings.

and for gifts that boyfriends can buy for their girlfriends. pepero pillow;hahahaha.

november is just filled with peperos everywhere. bakery, stationary shop, market, stores,shopping mall.. hahah

like for example in bakeries, they make it even more special~ like a cookie ;)

if you go around, you can see this kind of gifts selling everywhere. one to buy for me;; haha

crazy -.- people who are single hates to see this.hahahaha

pepero cartoon ~ ><

a game that pops into our mind when youj say pepero is this. haha. its a couple game. you can either play with 2 or more couples competing on how short can you eat until. /or you can play among yourselfs on who will let go first.. haha

pictures of the peperos i received ;) (nayoung)

kay, come to think about it.....its really nothing ...

but atleast for this year its alot :P haha. actually people only give each other only if their in a realtionship with someone or if you are in primary school. haha.

guess this is one of the small traditions of korea ;)
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