These photos represents the greatest day of middleschool ;) on december 5th, since it was almost near till school holidays, the school organized many activities for the students to enjoy.and one of them were vally ball ! i was chosen to play for our team ;) these pictures reminds me of the hard times we went through to practice and our victory :Dduring the day of the game.teacher came the earliest to buy us breakfast :') she bought sushi and mandarin oranges for usvally ball players in the morning.the camera loves ya ! hahathe one wearing a padding vest with the hoddy on is me :) our class practicing. thats me wearing the vest padding. pactice practice :)
me trying to smash the ball.hahaour other class friends watching us. our team us having team meeting..thats me right there in the middle :)stretching hahalet the game begin !!the game goes like this. if either one of the team gets 3o points first.that team will win.the other team. it was a game against class 1 and class 5.score board.i took out my vest and really in for the game :)me spiking :)raising the ball up for me to spike.spike :Dcurrently winning by 9-8come on guys :D we can do this ! FIGHTING ! flying ? :Dclass mates focused on the game :Dsecond round was over. and now it was all up for the boys !!first round= 5 girls and 1 boy in the middle to raise the ball up. second round= 3 boys and 3 girls. and last and final third round= all boys.the boys play with higher net .she is cheering for her boyfriend ;; now the camera is in my hands :)spike !!its 26-29 !! one more score !!heart pounding moment :')awesome spike?? :Dyeeeess!!even now its so touching to look back these pictures :) the whole class coming to celebrate :")our sports teacher really proud of us :)so proud of everyone :')the best spiker of our class ! :D hip hip huray !net down and game over :)that very moment ;) we made our own history.who took this?? LOLthe team and the boys from our class ~well done guys ;)i took a jump shot of my playas :Dthe heroes of the game ;)back in class ~reality? hahahahahahaha
wah.........banyaknya photos.....can't finish scrolling down.. :P