Na Young had her school entrance day too on the same date as joo won. so it was on March 2nd and let me explain about my school :) In the whole south korea, there are only 21 highschools called MEISTER HIGHSCHOOL. It is names MEISTER as they are planning to make meister(professionals) in the highschools. And I am in one of the Meister highschools. Mine is called MIRIM MEISTER. ;)

as you can see in the picture. in my entrance day, the president came to open the ceremony for us. the 8th girl from the group picture below is the girl who is representing for our school.

the president~ dad said, "you should be honored, where on earth would a president come to any other entrance ceremony of a highschool"

well, meister highschool was made because of him. It was all his idea. so everything in school runs by the goverment. from school fees, dormatory fees.... and free laptops :D haha. our president giving his speech during the ceremony.

our mirim logo.

this was taken during the morning of the entrance day.

and this was taken by daddy~ as he came for my ceremony first and rushed for joowon's

.we had to watch the opening ceremony through TV.

can you find me? hahahahahahahahaha i found me :P

nice shot :D

okay, there is one girl in the middle of the photo laughing.haha thats mua :P

okay... my dad didnt know that for entrance day, you dont need to buy flowers><><

my aunt, cousin and grandma ;)


daddy !


must study hard ! ;)
waaaah president worgh! high profile school :D congrats you both and do study smart ^^ miss you both :D specially joo won! sarang heyo!