School dorm = new home?? somehow i like this place and some other how its really tiring :(( this is the view outside our window. one thing i really like it that the sky is always beautiful.....

tired......... i tried to make a pretty face but sorry. no pretty face to start with :(

really cantik !!!!!!!!

updates on my table! kinda stuffed now :P more books and placed mini boards :)

our room !! laundry being dried ~

4 tables ~mine is the first from the left ~

the-messiest-table in our room :P *i hope she doesnt find this blog :PPP*

lemm tell you guys another specal features about koreans :DD they all wear the same slippers ! as you guys know, in malaysia, everyone wears different brand, colors, styles, and patterns of fli-flops but.............. koreans are all the same !! its call the 삼선 슬리퍼. (sam sun slipper) directly translated, it means
3 lined slipper. it was originally made in adidas !

but korean made it like almost their national slipper -.-comes in all colors. but same shapes.hahahaha. seriously, come to korea and see for yourself :D everyone has the same slippers !! LOL

our slippers !heeeeeeeeeee :P mine is the first from the left :P did i become one of the koreans? LOL its rather comfy :DDDDD

and the view of our dorm from outside !! :)

its really new as it was finished this year !! at about nearby May.

I cant remember whether i did post up about our dorm but... they placed the school logo at the dorm :S looks funny with that round logo in the middle ;;;

well thats mostly how the inside and the outside looks like :) will post more soon !!!!!!!
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