ps; mom i love you :)
2010년 7월 28일 수요일
Mom's place (July 24th 2010)
one thing i love about my school is that the sky is always so so beautiful.... ;)
same old dorm... its like being in a hanster cage :(
anyways, on saturday went to mom's place ;)
the next morning :) group photo ! ehehehe
testing. haha

on sunday afternoon, went to the cinema to watch a movie. but the time we wanted was all sold out :( so didnt watch any movie and went back early :(
in the cinema. ticketing place.
dont ask me why is his neck so long .hahahahahhaha

so just ate lunch together :)
waffles !! :D
went back to our neighbourhood and went karaoke ! didnt go fr so long :P

joo won singing ~
"dont take picture :P"
then ....came back to my life .... dorm life :( after saying bye to brother came back to school.
and again :) beautiful sky....

ps; mom i love you :)
ps; mom i love you :)
2010년 7월 15일 목요일
Seoul tour (July 12th)
Our class planned an outing for the students. to.......... the city ;; yess.. the city. like as if we never went to he city before. haha. s at about 6pm, got in out bus and went off.
homeroom teacher in charge of our bus with 2 classes.
having snacks on the way :r
views on the way. the korean HANG-GANG. famous river in korea. it was a raining day :( a radlly lousy day for an outing.
tallest building in korea? yess.. sadly it is. haha. 63 floors. thats why its called 63 building :P
oh mr sun ;) please shine down on me ~
friend took this.
touring around the city.
parts of the city
then we passed the president's house. so called the white house of korea persay.hahahaha. the guard :P was too busy looking that i forgot to take pictures :P
passing by the president's house. the girls went mad....wanna know why? they got so excited waving at the "young&handsome-looking"guards ;; tsk tsk. making it so odvious that we're from a GIRL's highschool :S
mirm meister highschool touring.
this building we went in, they said, our school owns it. awesome wei. haha so we got to look around :P
they gave us lunch ~ bread+milk
walking along 청계천 (chung gae chun) a famous korean water walk?? yeahh something like that.

this place you see. its a walk with a stream. but just few years ago. it was all covered as roads. who knew it could be this beautiful~
enjoying the outside.
asked my homeroom teacher to get a picture of us and look what he did. hahahaha

cloudy+lil rainy :S
relaxing by the water ~
her name is Ga Young. so is Na Young and Ga Young :D
and a snap with our homeroom teacher and NM (newmedialoan) teacher :)
then later this, you wont believe what happened;; it suddenly rained so much!! we ran as fast as we can to the bus but we were all soaked wet ;; got to the bus anyways and went all the way to the 남산 타워 (Nam Sam Tower) kinda like a building that represents seoul :)
ive been here with my dad before but, coming at night was a whole new different thing ei~
views like this... pictures cant explain. you have gotta see it for yourself. it was incedible.

the viewpoint.
neh heh !! okay i dont like this picture but hey ....sweet lah.
ofcouse it cant beat new york or any other big cities. but it was so beautiful.

remember i came here before? love chains couples left.awwww

wish I could do

then when we were just about to leave, there was a lazer show going on. its good to come at night :D
that place whr the people are standing is actually a "dont-come-in-zone" but.... they thought it was a "please-enter-zone" -.-;; there was suppose to be a projector at the floor showing us stuff but they were all covering it ;;
the column of the building was the spot where the lazer shined its light :)
good night seoul ;)
it was shining a picture of our korea's national flower.
and some fire flames?
nice ;)

on the way back to school(school=dorm=home) lol. muching something again :P
it was seriously a tiring day. running here and there. but overall it was a great trip to hang out with friends an get out of SCHOOL for once in a while haha :)
good night seoul ;)
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