till the next post :))))
2010년 7월 11일 일요일
Dad's place (July 11th)
First off some dorm news :) our dorm inspector gave all the students a gift :) it says, "gambateh? the future meister"
i was so touched by this ;') and it was yummy too ! ahaha
during exam week. how my table looked like. no wonder i couldnt focus well :S
and my handy friend :) meet fanny. she keeps me cool all the time ;) my USB fan buddy!
random picture of a bird taking a bath at our waterfall at the school garden :)
Okay, back to the topic. On July 9th 2009, friday, it was the day when i was free from exams :D wo finished school really early like about 11.30pm. and went back home and waited for my brother to finish his school at 3.30pm. when he finished, went to the bus turminal and got on our bus to meet daddy :)
The bus got off at 4.20pm.got us some snacks as we both didnt get any lunch :"(

his one was yummy-er :(
than at about 8.00pm we got to our 2nd rest stop. you can tell i had some sleep eii :P has an icecream :D
me likey this picture :)
you can see properly but i was actually trying to show that the donut i was eating this time was in a shape of a heart :P
thn we reahed dad's place at about 8.30pm or so? went to have dinner with dad and his friend :)
all time korean's fav meal :D PORK!
that uncle wa really funny :D whatever he said made me laugh :P haha.
joo won busy eating away~
gahh, i love this dish :P cold noodle ! love food that are cold :P
then, after the dinner, went back home, took a shower and got to sleep? haha.anyways, the next day woke up really late like 10am plus? haha. dad came home again and fetched us together to eat breakfast.
i love meals like this. very traditional style. just a bowl of rice and side dishes :)
after breakfast, went over to dad's office for awhile. as dad has some unfinished work left.
the view from my dad's office.
our handsome daddy ;)
joo won got bored and played his fifa online :P haha
and ofcouse i got bored :P
gahh, what should i do.....take photos of little brotha :P

i like this saying thats hung on the wall at dad's office :P it means.
after dad was done with his work, went over to aunt's house again :D its like a must to visit her everytime as puppies are there !!!!!!!
our little baby pups has grown up so fast :')
there used to be 4 pups but there were only 2 left cause aunt sold the other 2 to someone she knows :(
there were 3 sons and 1 daughter. but now there were a son and a daughter left~
this is the son :P name: 쌘돌이 san dori
he looks like his mom. haha.
Sandori is kinda joo won's cause the girl is mine :PP

lemme show you the family, the one at the front is their grandmother :P (the father's mother.) and the one at back is their father. :)
now this is the daughter :DD name: 베순이 bae suni

Baesuni looks like her father :D look at the color and the ears :D

look! :D its amazing how similar they look ! heeeeee
the sad thing is that the puupies are scared of the father. so they dont go near him :S

fly baesuni :D

fly sandori :D
mine ;)

sandori and the mother looks alike. the ear and the color ;)
later, there was a accident....my aunt has this cat you see. its called 재롱이 jae rongi. and there was this bug that was sucking the cat's blood which was stuck to the neck :S and it had to be taken off but the thing is the cat didnt like humans. even its own master -.-;; so while it was looking away, i caught it.........it scratched , screams and bit and ..........*sighh* so i was injured :( couldnt help dad do this...
they wre moving woods but i couldnt help :((
had to watch them do it with the dogs :(

haaaaaaaaa. adorable moments :D

joo won's favorite pic :DDDD
while they were moving the woods, i played with the dogs :P

pictures of the day :)

and the injury i told you just now. i didnt know i had it until it got itchy;the cat also punched its nail into my left hand thumb. it was a hole in it now...hurts;
upper arm and near my wrist....
my little baesuni ;)
after lunch, they all got sleepy :P
sad to leave them :(

dad saying goodbye to them ~the mommy:)
the daddy~
then, went back to dad's house, didnt do anything and went straigh to bed..haha thats what i remember:P
the next day , woke up at 11am. and got ready and went out.
it rained the whole night. and it was still raining :( didnt know what to do and where to go as it was raining alot:(
when it was drizzling, just went about and was places like.......football field ? :P

we actually planned to go for a golf pratice since it was raining and all but all the places were full with people :(
this place was full.

looking like the manager of a football team eii :P
rain wouldnt stop :(
haha flower boy :P
sun flower ;)
then we found this place where there was a room left :D we went for a round of screen golf!!
screen golf is just like golf. where the signals detect your movement and ball and shows you from the screen where it goes. ofcouse you hit the ball for real :D
cant believe im saying this but joo won is really bad in golf :S out of like 10 swings, he can hardly get even a hit on the ball :P
getting short lessons from daddy. hahahaha
there was hardly any good shots;; heeeeeeee
while on the other hand :D i like golf~ learned it when i was in malaysia.

haha.he made me laugh so much :P

after the golf:) it was sooooooooo fun !
went for lunch !! has raw fish? is that what you call it? or sushi? haha
this was the first time eating this. LIVE mini octopus. LIVE as in like it was still moving.!
this fish is really famous in korea. eating live octopus. although it gets stuck on your mouth sometime. but it yummy :)

outsie view from our table:)
some random pics here :P i sticked a ribbon was it was so windy and my hair was seriously in a mess :P usually i delete this kind of photos but i wanted to try it for fun :P
and joo won...........LOL. he told he himself that he looks like his smoking. so i sticked a sticker of a cig in the pic :P LOL

after the lunch, had to rush to the airport to catch our flight back to seoul. got into our seats :)
dont know whether because of the rain ...the sky seemed sooooooo clear.
good bye heavy dark clouds ;)
and hello fluffies !!
they made me so happy :DDDD

can you believe they are really clouds :DD i love this time of the day. getting to fly.
close up :DDDDDDDD
closER up:DDDD
within 1 hour reached seoul. look at that guys in the catering truck :D blonde :D
another busy week gone :P back to reality. back to school :'(
till the next post :))))
till the next post :))))
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