World cup 2010. even while being stuck in the dorm, i watched all the early morning matches and late matches too :) and i think, korea has like the most supporting crowd in the world. just for a match, so many people gather everywhere around korea. these are few photos of them.

all wearing one united color red and cheering their hearts out for their country :)

this is the korean city hall. this place is where they all come together and watch at the big screen. my wish is to go and feel that great atmosphere one day :( have to wait for another 4 years :((

seriously this is not even close to all the people gathered in places to cheer. its crazy...its hot :D

and yes....... this fever doesnt go off in our dorm. school cant stop us from watching football!! look what we did in our dorm :P i face painted my room mate's face :P

wearing all red :D muahahahahha

me busy behind giving face painting :P hahah

i know that paint is not meant for face painting but ;; haha nothing to else to use :P
korea might have lost....but just like what my tell me :"if someone fails, they will succeed even bigger...." the unitedness of our country was so nice to see :)
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