just by 2-1.. if only we had 5 more minutes to run....if only....
thank God it rained for the players that day..... it hid their tears........
thank you korea for a great run :")

anyways, on that night, the sky seemed rather darker than other days.....it rained.
mom wanted to take a group photo of us together~ but i keep coming out weird in all the photos :(

i camwhore when im happy. and thats a fact ! muahahaha. .jpg)

sorry guys ;; haha, if its hard to see than keep on scrolling :P
little snack "before" watching the game.muahahahaha
our players on that day wore white jerseys! so my brother and i as same hearts , wore white ! LOL

little devil :P for the next brazil worldcup....would he be in the team :D *wishes*
awww my bruda :D
now this for the 3 suku gang :P *does 3 suku gang even exist now?hahaha*
my queen ;))
beaufitul as ever ;)
why is she so pretty and im so ..........:'(
siblings !

now.......mom bought us awesome snack to munch while watching the match :D
chicken and pizza !! too much ? :DDD
skin tone difference :P
after all the munching;; haha. we didnt eat it all :P didnt get to touch the pizza;; haha! desert ! icecream yo :D
mom wanted to show off her new dress to me ~ cute :D

beautiful mother ;)
while half time, joo won checking out his newly bought MLB shoes on the bed.aha
poka dots mommy ! :D
the next morning, after all the cries ....little devil is bushed..haha
both of our caps bought for MLB :D hahahahaha sama-sama !but mine has stones on it :D bling bling!!
then seperated withmy brother :'( and came back to my "home" dorm:(
went to class before entering the dorm. after this shot, slept like for 2 hours on the table .hahhahaha
okay, this shot might be a "fake" shot haha.cause i was pretend-sleeping :P but this is how i really sleep during class :SS

till the next post ;)
wow joo won super good looking now! RAIN! haha