then around 10.30pm, Joo won received a call from Vincent saying that he was already at the airport waiting for us.
so we rushed to the air port at 10.50pm. when we reached the airport, we saw Evelyn, Su min, baby shannon, Gerald, Kevin, Vincent, Li-Hsia, Frieda & Jeffery. Da mde me a card :'( so touching !

Then we said our good-byes.and entered... had a quick bite at DOME. after an hour, we boarded out plane.

The flight was 6 hours. After being on the plane for 3 hours, our meal came :) it was NASI LEMAK !! it felt like our last.haha.

But ..... all these yummy nasi lemak went down the toilet when na young vomitted everything. felt sick mann....
We then reached korea at (malaysian time 7.20am). It was cold !!
Joo won and i were having fun making breathe steam outside the airport.
then we headed to the nearest supermarket and found STARBUCKS !!

had to wear a seat belt at the bus. haha. and hey, check out the taxi :)

then arrived at my granma's place. Left our things and walked around the place. And na young had to go to the toilet. Look what she found....

This is my grandparent's house. 3 floors all together. In korea, it is not cheap to buy a big house like this. due to small land space.

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