Isn't Christmas all about family? we spent out christmas eve with my grandparents. A dinner at a korean BBQ restaurant :) Here is a picture of our christmas cake :)

After a dinner, my aunt took Joo Won and I around the city of Korea :) We began to miss KL so much :( anyways, sadly there was no fireworks or whatsoever there.. This is a big christmas tree next to a ice skating ring :)

In the city of Seoul, there is a river flowing in the middle of the city :) so pretty !!

The main attraction is the amazing big LCD screen around a tall christmas tree :) LOOK !!

At the big LCD screen, there are words flashing :) like happy holidays & merry christmas :) It is so cool !! there was loud christmas carols being played too. Here are our photos too!

We actually recorded some some for you guys :) miss you guys and wishing you ..well, a belated merry christmas ;)
Look how beautifully decorated the river is :) so many people too !! ahh, the feeling of christmas.haha.

There was also horses with carriages going around the city :)

haha, there were santa clauses on motor bikes driving around !! snap snap !!

Ahh, the long waited ice-cream !! we have been dreaming of this ice-cream since we were in malaysia.haha. we couldnt eat it as we were sick, but now ...muhahahaha ! awesome !
Well thats it actually, for out christmas eve :)
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