Before we go into the mountain topic, check out this view =) its very near from my granma's place and from one shot of photo, you can actually see 4 churches!!

Orighty !! back to today :) We took a bus once again, then yess we began ! We visited this house which used to be a house during the olden times and that place used to be a neighbourhood too :)

Orighty !! back to today :) We took a bus once again, then yess we began ! We visited this house which used to be a house during the olden times and that place used to be a neighbourhood too :)

and check out what they use as decorations since flowers can't bloom during winter. something like cabage :D
and we really began :D Joo won walking up .
and in just 1 hour time, WE REACHED THE TOP !! *well, its not actually the top but we just stopped there ;p

When we reached the top (so called), all those tired, exausted feeling went off as we strared at the scenery :) check out the photos !!

The very spot where we had our food :) And nayoung going all hyper running around to keep herself warm.haha!

The view was amazing! to be able to see so many apartments and practically like the whole Seoul!!


Going down the mountain was a bigger challenge as it was slipery and we even got lost. But as our dad was an expirienced mountain climber, we got out safe :D

We got to see this awesome waterfall (a mini one) haha. the water was so cold ! and silly nayoung fell down. tisk tisk... haha.
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