she is the 2D class teacher~
our booth was set at like the corner of the stadium :S even if it was me, i wouldnt have gone to the booth cause the image of the booth was too cold :S 

then later, we had free time given for ourselves :D too look around all the designs and stuff :D

then we started to look around :)
the one who followed me around :D shes called 다혜~ da hae~
pretty seats :)

we walked around for hours man ! but we couldnt even finish looking around the whole place :S
다혜 playing a game hahahahaha
now realxing outdoor :D at the middle of the stadium :D
designs everywhere :D
one of the youngest teachers in our school~ can call them our senior cause they graduated like few years ago~

at 6pm~ packing to close booth and go back~

funny lahh ! hhahahaha. they closed the booth with tape LOL
one of the teacher. phwwwwwwwww :)

i love this shot :D haha i felt like a paparizzi :D
its ike celebrities man :D
and we're out~
a group photo of our 5D members :)

then suddenly -.- got one drunken woman hahahahahahaha LOL :D

after that we were allowed to go back ourselves. so we stopped by a convenience store and got some instant noodles :P
with our "dinner" haha
this makes me miss mamak weii :'(

time to makan :D
awesome lahh! even now looking at this makes me hungry :D
and on our way back to school in the subway :)
all tired out after a long day~

K.O already .haha

but still go energy to take photo ahh:D

and now on the bus :D

dude behind looking at the camera hahahahaha spooky :P
this post ends here :) but will continue cause im gonna upload pictures of the works that i saw today ~ will be alot mann :S stay tuned peeps :)