This happened on October 1st. when i was having my class and facing the window, some animal passed by and ofcourse i got shocked and screamed; ; my friend got shocked cause of me .hahaha then when i went to the window to see what was it, it was a husky dog !! huge one somemore ! haha. i quickly grabbed my handphone and found a way to get over to the dog :P

i climbed over a window to get to hm :D his name was "young ung yi" which means like a hero in korean. i had so much fun playing with it :P

ofcourse i looked at the dog's name tag and called the owner to let him know where his dog was.

i then realised the dog came over to or school because the dog's house was having a wall construction at their yard. so the dog went over.

hahahaha. he doesnt like it when i touch his face :PPPPP

my friend playing with the dog~

then a few minutes later, the owner came and took it back :) awwwww it was fun anyways!

gonna miss you man 영우이 !! ^^*
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