Hows my (nayoung's) school life you ask? well. ive gone into this class called The Skills Genius Class. well it doesnt sound this wierd in korean :P we have 3 students all together. this class was made to prepare to go out for competitions and stuff. for 3D Max programme that is~ this is what we do mostly all the time. practice sketching. the camera below is a camera i drew ~ and the choclate pie down there is a gift from teacher to jia you :)

my table~ neatest wei :D

민경min gyung's table :D hahahaha

dont try to hide 진희 jin hee~ haha.

the one in the middle is 다혜 da hye. she is in 2D class. while i am in 3D. we came from the same class thats why we're close :)

got too bored :S reflection on the laptop~

got so sleepy and lied down on the table ><


idea sketching~

our classroom is on the ground floor :( thats why its double colder than other classes :( this is how i dress in class :"(((((( wore PJK clothes and unform :P hate cold lahh!

and on october 4th started marker practice~

and today on october 6th, jin hee and i prepared ourseleves for a competition and sent our work.

at the post office the lady took a picture for us :D muahahahaha

this was our very own first competition we prepared and joined.

hope everything goes well :)

wishing for the best :)
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