last day of school before thanksgiving school holiday :P i had exam for my 3D class that day :S It was on September 18th. came early in the morning to class and ate breakfast teacher bought for us.
kim bab !
sketch test. i got a B(o). which it better than B(-) but not better than B(+);; mine is on the right :S
school told the students to either bring back their blankets in the dorm or bring it to the claners. tsk tsk~ my friend carrying her blanket whil waiting for her dad. while i already left it at the cleaners :D
then came home to grandma's house :) felt like taking pictures :P

then just didnt feel like staying at home doing nothing. so went to the computer and searched for anything that was going on at the city and looked for events. and on the way to the city, i heard a scratching sound of metal !! >< style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 300px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 400px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5524132361910591298" border="0" alt="" src="">the car happened to turn right and got hit by the bus which also wanted to turn right.... i saw the people in the car coming out and all :S
on the subway~

this was the next day when i went for a gallery with joo won(will post about that soon~)
then this was the very next day. guess what ! guess what ! i got my IC card ! hahahahaha :D
people who only passed their 18th birthday can get their ic card. im old already man :S
this is our neighbourhood's market. people all busy buying food to cook for thanksgiving :)
okay. took picture of this cause this was just too much :S they were selling sersimmon. and it wrote there.... 4 for rm30 -.- aint that a little too expensive?!

this was just a bits of my thanksgiving :) will update more !!
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