Its christmas !! what will christmas be without presents? we might not get alot of presents, but we got a warm one :) a winter converse shoe !! Na Young needed that winter converse shoes mann !! her feet was freezing !! hurray to winter converse shoes :D Na young got a dark blue and Joo won got a army green one :)

Check out our converse plastic bag :D joo won carrying with style .haha

After that, joo won, me & my aunt's son went for a movie :) a korean movie. Its called "overspeed scandal". a comedy movie :) was extreamly funny !

Our tickets :)

After the movie, went to mc donald's :) ate BIG MAC. nayoung's first big mac and joo won's 5th big mac .haha!! And hey, look, they have this paper around the burger to prevent it from loosing its shape :) cool huh?

Well, thats it for our christmas i guess :) will end it with our dinner.haha !

mmmmm ! pizza :)
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