(24th of January)Since Korean new year is coming, dad helped to look in the store room of grandma's house to see whether there is a korean traditional dress suitable for me to wear during korean new year. And yess... haha i found one sweet yellow dress :D Then, my dad found something !! My standard 1 story books !! :D haha.i was so shocked my grandma still kept it. I remember some books :D My standard 1 hand writing ! haha.* now also same.haha !!and the books that i still remember ! These are treasures man :) *my fav book. and others :D It was a cold day :) cause it snowed.... Somemore an icicle forming from the car.haha. And the road to the supermarket all dirty cause of snow.. well, thats all. want some traditonal rice cake? :)
Jeng Jeng Jeng !! we had to go to the MALAYSIAN embassy to get approval for our school on 23rd of January :) we were so so excited man !! haha. LOOK ! malaysia's flag !!Malaysian embessy in korea :DThen, okay we went in to the office :) !! got DATO' SERI UTAMA DR.RAIS YATIM MENTERI LUAR MALAYSIA's photo behind :D Look at our happy faces :D Joo Won busy looking at malaysian travelling books :D haha.
Then, we were finished :) we actually saw a group of malay guys coming in. haha ! we were suddenly so happy to see them.haha !!! regret not taking photo with them :p Oh, saw this dead weasel next to a tree! so sad :(This neighbourhood we went, is a rich neighbour hood. with all the english schools and english christian school and those stuff. And saw alot of cool shops. Then suddenly, we saw a shop called Brandie. We looked inside and saw ED HARDY :D
And some cool bike shops too :D
Will end it with this..haha.On the way back home by subway, we saw this vending machine. A book vending machine :D haha !! so that you can buy something and read it in the subway :D
Korea has alot of musical productions going on around. And on 22nd of January, the education center we go to, got us free trip to one musical :) We gathered at 10am at the education center. Then went to the musical theater by public bus. And when we reached around the city, we saw these people.....These are people in costumes from the olden days. Guards and people who work in the palace of the King. And they wear these costumes and walk around the palace to show people who came to Korea the culture :) That is a statue of a warrior who faught for Korea :) It is located in the center of the city :) On the way to the theater, saw a 3 floored starbucks :D haha ! And some sculptures around the theater.The flyer of the musical.*its a children musical :p We went inside the room and before the show began :) And then the show began.Okay, the story line is like this :) there are students in this magic school. and they are very naughty. And they love playing games on the nintendo DS. The bad guy wants to spoil their minds by poullting them only with games. Then the good teacher tries to teach them to overcome the bad habit and find out their DREAMS :) The mean guy.haha. In his game world.
Then slowly, they find out their dreams.... It then ended :) their little photo shoot.haha
Our little happy faces :)Our tickets. Rm 30 for each of us. fuiiiyoh.haha.