January 14th was the birthday of my little baby cousin's 5th birthday. And at night, our aunty took us out too!! haha :D And for our dinner, we had it at TGIF :) haha ! We had strawberry soda drink :)

And for our appetizer, fried chicken with spicy sauce + awesome salad :D

While my uncle had a korean dish. haha.Kim chi fried rice in TGIF :) *only in Korea.haha!

Ohhhh !! yay ! then its time for the real deal !! The main course :D the most awesome ribs !!

Which was gone in a flash and we had to order another plate :D mmmmm......haha!

Na Young enjoying her awesome ribs not caring how aidiculous she looks.haha !

And the guys next to na young is my aunt's son. same age as mua.haha.

And ofcourse, finally...the deserts :) Choclate brownie and mandarin orange with pinapple sour ice cream :) !

Dont know why they prefered the brownie more than the sour ice ceam. Joo Won liked the choclate one. But i liked the sour one :D

Then it was present opening time !! well, since i couldn't buy anything...i made a card for him:D *what else ?? haha! It was a main character from a kid's show called "Pororo & friends". Its his favorite character :)

haha.that little penguin on the right :D During the making... and..WALLAH !!

And it was success !! :) he liked it..well, for a short time only.He got distracted by his other great presents.haha !!

Well, that was it for dinner :)

And a little snap on the way out :)

*jeng jeng jeng !!* PART 2 !! They decided to go karaoke :) Theres Joo Won eshausted from choosing songs.haha!

There are korean song, english songs, and japanese songs to choose from. But the english songs were all kinda oldies..

well that ends for the night :)
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