We celebrated our new year countdown at the city of seoul :) There is this tradition where they welcome the new year by ringing this huge bell. They ring the bell 33 times :) And we were there to see it happen. haha :) But before that, we had a little snack :D
If you can see, there is this house thingy at the side. There is where the big bell is :)
While waiting for the countdown, Joo Won and i went to drink hot choco at a cafe.And we were also watching what was going on from a tv on a phone :)

Then ! It was time for the countdown :D when malaysia was only at 11.pm :D

And the ringing of the bell !! *we couldn't really hear it though....
Then we bought our own fire works to play with :) Just for this event, the roads were blocked.. POLICE !! haha.
Well, that was all for the new years eve :) the next morning, we had breakfast with our grandparents :) It is a tradition to eat this dish on a new year. Its called a "tuk guk" 떡국.It represents and tells us that we are now one year older. *There was this joke saying if you eat 5 bowls means you are aging 5 more years.haha.. no lahh !!
Welcome 2009 !!

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