Being in Korea, hmmmmm... we are being fed very well !! haha.. even my grandma's sister sent us a huge bag of rice to eat.haha. Look at this food, this food is called "Bu Dae Ji Gae" 부대찌게. And this was actually created from a army. Because what they used to eat last time was just soup and a little bit of ham, sausage, and some noodles. Now, its famouos for it deliciousness:D

This is called a "Bung A Pang" 붕어빵. This is something like a crunchy bread with baked red beans inside :) They always sell it when its hot.. One of our favorite winter street food :)

This right here.haha. Its called "jok bal" 족발. It is actually pig's leg which is steamed :) Its like Na Young's fav !! haha... Joo Won is holding the bone of the leg!

And ohh ! we've not only eaten korean food all the time. haha. we ate lots of krispy kreme !! haha.. from originals to mixes :) LOOK !!

mmmmmmmm ~~ haha.. you guys just wait.. cause our eating doesn't stop here :
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