YES people !! it snowed again :D Woke up in the morning and rushed out to the neighbourhood :D it was more than the first fall :) Here is Joo Won making foot prints on the un-touched snow :)

And cars pilled up with thick snow :)

Roads all turned slippery.

Na Young with christmas tree? haha :D

And us loving the background of our small park :)


And calling all 3 Suku memebers.haha. Joo Won misses you guys too :( These pics are dedicated to you guys.haha.

And na young standing on the path of snow and her own crazy moments :D

Then Joo Won and I decided to make snow balls :)

Here is Joo Won's snow ball.

And Na Young's :)

Look at this one. These are actually shapes of melted snow flaked :) pretty !
Well, thats pretty much it :) we were too busy playing with snow to take photos :p
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